Wednesday March 26, 2025 3:15pm - 4:00pm EDT
A panel of three districts and a RIC will discuss how they use four different cybersecurity solutions to improve their security posture, simplify day-to-day IT management and stay within limited budgets.  We plan to spend roughly ten minutes on each topic... there will be useful tidbits for all security and IT people.

Richard Fisher - Highland CSD - Secure Networking - managing a security environment and wired/wireless network as a single converged infrastructure

David Kajdasz - WNYRIC - hear how WNYRIC protects roughly 70 districts and 100,000 mailboxes (email is still the #1 attack vector)

David Hines - Shenendehowa CSD - He'll discuss his experience and the value of implementing a SIEM to help protect a district of almost 10,000 students

Michelle Kreiger - Lake Shore CSD - Security Awareness Training - this is a *FREE* 3-year service Fortinet provides to K-12
Wednesday March 26, 2025 3:15pm - 4:00pm EDT
Colony Room Albany Marriott - 189 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205

Attendees (2)

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