Thursday March 27, 2025 9:45am - 10:30am EDT
Once your district has developed a New Software Request Protocol or Process, what are positive and effective strategies for integrating the A4L SDPC Resource Registry into the workflow? Holland Patent Central School District has worked with MORIC to develop and implement a process that leverages the new registry to benefit the requester and the review committee. The process allows for a more efficient and timely turnaround of requests that answer the key questions we all must ask:

- What is the educational value of this resource?
- Who will be the primary users and how will it impact them?
- How will the resource be effectively supported by and for our staff?
- How is this software unique to district-approved software that may have similar functionality?
- What are the procurement options?

RIC One DPSS Representative

Brittany Rizzo

Data Privacy & Security, Madison-Oneida BOCES
avatar for Meghan Samsel

Meghan Samsel

Educational Technology Leader, MORIC/Holland Patent CSD
I am an Educational Technology Leader at the MORIC, primarily supporting the Holland Patent School District. I also collaborate on regional projects and strategic blueprints that assist all Managed IT districts with various technology-driven initiatives. With experience as a school... Read More →
Thursday March 27, 2025 9:45am - 10:30am EDT
Empire Room Albany Marriott - 189 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205

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