Wednesday March 26, 2025 2:00pm - 2:45pm EDT
I will take my notes, presentations, and questions from DPOs from around the State for the past 4 years and compile them into a concise toolkit comprised of 10 skills a DPO should have: 5 things that are a low bar threshold must-have and 5 things to strive for as best practices. The presentation will focus heavily on 8 NYCRR Part 121 requirements. Group participation encouraged!

Joseph Eckstein

DPO, Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Attorney in NY for over 30 years, current ESBOCES DPO, member of DPAC, Business Manager for Contracts

Tracy Davey

Administrative Coordinator, Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Wednesday March 26, 2025 2:00pm - 2:45pm EDT
Salon A Albany Marriott - 189 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205

Attendees (8)

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