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Wednesday, March 26

11:00am EDT

How Bad Could It Be? Lessons Learned From the Largest Coordinated Attack Against Local Government in Us History, Keynote With Andy Bennett
Wednesday March 26, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
So, how bad could it be?  This engaging keynote session will cover the ins and outs of the August 2019 ransomware attack that impacted 23 local government entities across the state of Texas.  The Lone Star State responded in kind by activating the statewide incident response plan, which had been developed over the prior two years and spot-tested across a number of other incidents and exercises.  

You will hear the good, the bad, and the ugly on how the plan worked and how it was able to clean up this large-scale incident and get operations restored across the board in just 8 days for under $300,000, without paying any ransom. The takeaways will go beyond just what it’s like to respond to a large incident and will show how taking a holistic approach to security enables an organization to not just be more resilient but be better and more effective across the board.
Wednesday March 26, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Grand Ballroom Albany Marriott - 189 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205
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